The Most Affordable cheap Replica Fendi Handbags
Following the fame-steps of the 2jours tote, a new bag has hit the market; the Replica Fendi Handbags. But how will fashionista’s around the world respond? Would you love it as much as you love the peek-a-boo tote?
The Replica Fendi Handbags is first seen in the Fendi Spring Summer 2013 Ad Campaign and clearly it’s the updated version of the iconic 2jours tote. You might wonder; ‘What’s the difference?’. One thing I am sure of, it’s quite alike but in the perception of size; it’s certainly bigger.
First; notice the softy wings that give an extra space in case you need it. And instead of a single metal frame on the top edge of the top, the 3jours tote is separated in two parts. On the right metal frame, the Fendi signature has been printed. The luggage tag is wrapped around the handle while the 2jours tote is attached to a custom-made ring.
Measuring 28 x 36 x 16 cm (W x D x H) made from calfskin and they come in variation of colors. The interior is enriched with an internal zip and phone pockets. For now, it’s only available in one size.
I think there are two reasons why the fake bags tote is made. First, it borrows the fame of the Fendi tote. The peek-a-boo has a lot of similarities comparing to the 2 jours. And while it is more compact, the Fendi 3jours is a bit more slouchy with its soft side-wings. The big sister with more room and space for your essentials.